Prediction for CME (2014-09-09T00:16:00-CME-001)CME Observed Time: 2014-09-09T00:16ZiSWAS Layout URL: https://kauai.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov/DONKI/view/CME/6596/-1 CME Note: Associated with M4.6 flare (2014-09-08T23:12Z). CME Shock Arrival Time: 2014-09-11T22:56Z Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters due to CME: Max Kp: 5.0 Dst min. in nT: -31 Dst min. time: 2014-09-13T03:00Z Predicted Arrival Time: 2014-09-12T03:00Z (-12.0h, +12.0h) Predicted geomagnetic storm max Kp range due to CME: 5.0 - 5.0 Prediction Method: Other (SIDC) Prediction Method Note: :Issued: 2014 Sep 09 0739 UTC :Product: documentation at http://www.sidc.be/products/presto #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # FAST WARNING 'PRESTO' MESSAGE from the SIDC (RWC-Belgium) # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# The partial halo CME that was first observed by SOHO/LASCO and Cactus on 9 September at 00:06UT is associated to the M4.5 flare that took place in NOAA 2158. This Long Duration Event (LDE) started at 23:12UT, reached maximum x-ray flux at 00:29UT, and ended at 01:31UT. SDO/AIA-imagery indicate post-flare coronal loops, coronal dimming and an EIT-wave (as detected by Solar Demon). A type II radio-burst was observed by the Learmonth Radio Observatory, from which a shock speed of 999 km/s was deduced. The CME seems very wide (300 degrees or more), and the plane-of-the-sky speed around 710 km/s. The bulk of the CME seems to be directed away from the Earth (to the northeast). However, in view of the currently observed CME features, there's still a good chance Earth will receive a glancing blow from it. Estimated impact time is 12 September at 01:00UT, with an uncertainty of 12 hours. A minor geomagnetic storm is possible. CME features, arrival time and geomagnetic impact will be fine-tuned as STEREO- and more SOHO/LASCO-imagery will become available. :Issued: 2014 Sep 09 1235 UTC :Product: documentation at http://www.sidc.be/products/meu #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # DAILY BULLETIN ON SOLAR AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY from the SIDC # # (RWC Belgium) # #--------------------------------------------------------------------# SIDC URSIGRAM 40909 SIDC SOLAR BULLETIN 09 Sep 2014, 1209UT SIDC FORECAST (valid from 1230UT, 09 Sep 2014 until 11 Sep 2014) SOLAR FLARES : Active (M-class flares expected, probability >=50%) GEOMAGNETISM : Quiet (A<20 and K<4) SOLAR PROTONS : Warning condition (activity levels expected to increase, but no numeric forecast given) PREDICTIONS FOR 09 Sep 2014 10CM FLUX: 160 / AP: 010 PREDICTIONS FOR 10 Sep 2014 10CM FLUX: 162 / AP: 007 PREDICTIONS FOR 11 Sep 2014 10CM FLUX: 164 / AP: 013 COMMENT: There are currently 8 sunspot groups visible. NOAA 2157 seems to be slightly declining and simplifying. NOAA 2158 developed some small spots to the west and south of the main spot. Except for the northern part, this main spot is now completely surrounded by opposite magnetic polarity flux. Both NOAA 2157 and 2158 retained their delta structures. Two C-class flares and 1 M-class flare were recorded. The strongest event was a long duration M4.5 flare peaking at 00:29UT and originating in NOAA 2158. SDO /AIA-imagery indicated post-flare coronal loops, coronal dimming and an EIT-wave. A type II radio-burst with an associated shock speed of 999 km/s was observed. The greater than 10 MeV proton flux, currently still enhanced at 2 pfu, has not increased in response to this flare (so far). The M4.5 flare was associated to a halo CME first observed by SOHO/LASCO on 9 September at 00:06UT, with a plane-of-the-sky speed around 560 km/s . The bulk of the CME is directed away from the Earth (to the northeast), but there's still a good chance Earth will be impacted by the CME-driven shock. Estimated impact time is 12 September at 03:00UT, with an uncertainty of 12 hours. There remains a reasonable chance on an M-class flare. The warning condition for a proton event remains in effect. Solar wind speed was mostly between 350 and 450 km/s, with Bz oscillating between +5 and -5 nT. Geomagnetic conditions were quiet. Quiet to unsettled geomagnetic conditions are expected for the next three days, possibly modulated by the high speed stream from a coronal hole that passed the central meridian on 5 September. On 10 September, there's a chance on unsettled conditions with an isolated active period in response to the possible glancing blow from the 6 September CME. On 12 September, the impact of the halo CME related to the M4.5 flare from 9 September may result in active conditions and possibly a brief period of minor geomagnetic storming. TODAY'S ESTIMATED ISN : 126, BASED ON 14 STATIONS. SOLAR INDICES FOR 08 Sep 2014 WOLF NUMBER CATANIA : 156 10CM SOLAR FLUX : 164 AK CHAMBON LA FORET : 010 AK WINGST : 006 ESTIMATED AP : 005 ESTIMATED ISN : 110, BASED ON 29 STATIONS. NOTICEABLE EVENTS SUMMARY DAY BEGIN MAX END LOC XRAY OP 10CM Catania/NOAA RADIO_BURST_TYPES 08 2312 0029 0131 N12E29 M4.5 1N 48/2158 CTM/1 END BTLead Time: 58.35 hour(s) Difference: -4.07 hour(s) Prediction submitted by Leila Mays (GSFC) on 2014-09-09T12:35Z |
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